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Smart Farm

Smart Agriculture

Contec is a global electronics manufacturer and systems integrator. We specialize in embedded computing, industrial automation, M2M/IoT communication technology & IOT Gateway. Our products are used around the world in factory automation, transportation, medical and life sciences, robotics, security, energy, government, agritech and beyond.

CONTEC’s controllers have excellent environmental resistance and can be operated stably even in environments where the temperature varies as outdoors. Sensing the environment of greenhouses, and controlling automatically based on acquisition data. We contribute to automating the watering process, which is a skill that takes 10 years to master, achieving quality control of local branded products, solving agricultural issues, and further increasing production volumes.

Agricultural Production Control System

Agricultural Production Control System

This system obtains environmental measurement data from a vegetable plant to allow users to check remotely what’s happening on the farm while staying in the office or away from the facility.

Automation of Melon Cultivation

Automation of Melon Cultivation

This system enables semi-automated melon cultivation using the CONPROSYS™ PAC series.

Information is collected from various sensors to visualize environments.

Our system with the integrated CONPROSYS PAC series will help to solve challenges faced by commercial melon farmers such as hard work and the introduction of advanced know-how.

The system’s semi-automated functions including watering, draining, opening/closing of skylights, and temperature control using a boiler to achieve a drastic reduction of labor hours required.